Gary Evans
I gained a honours degree in Environmental Science in London in 1997. We learned concepts like The Limits to Growth (Club of Rome 1972, subsequently updated by MIT) and others that offered us pathways to a better future. The Kyoto Protocol was signed in December 1997, offering us a pathway to reduce harmful emissions to tackle climate change. It was a time of hope.
Twelve years later in 2009, that hope was dealt a crushing blow at COP15 in Copenhagen. That was when I had just started teaching at the FH Aachen. Back then I was a professional translator, but my passion lay as climber and boat driver for Greenpeace Germany.
When I started teaching, I felt it important to address the issued raised during my studies with my students. Even if you don’t believe the climate is changing (spoiler: it is) we face challenges we have to solve and they are both local and global in nature. That’s why I became one of the “Scientists for Future” signatories when the iniaitive began.